Key Points:

  • Fintech, or Financial Technology, is a collection of new technologies that aim to automate and improve the use of financial services in daily life. 
  • According to Ernest and Young’s Global FinTech Adoption Index 2019, around two-thirds of all consumers use at least two or more fintech services daily.
  • Sustainable financial technologies are an excellent way for businesses to become sustainable and carbon-neutral. 
  • Financial Technology is safe to use if you utilize it mindfully and research it well beforehand.

What is Fintech?

Fintech, or Financial Technology, is a collection of new technologies that aim to automate and improve the use of financial services in daily life. It helps businesses, companies, and consumers manage their financial operations for increased clarity and visibility. Financial technology was initially used to describe the back-end processes of financial institutes like banks, but since 2018, it has been used for more customer-oriented processes. Financial technology uses software and algorithms that can be used on personal devices like phones or computers. 

Financial Technology (Fintech)

This technology has found its way into almost all sectors of our daily lives, for example, retain and investment banking, education, non-profit, and fundraising. The most hyped field of financial technology lately is indeed cryptocurrencies. We have all heard about Bitcoin and Ethereum taking over the world, and their fame is accredited to financial technology. 

According to the Global FinTech Adoption Index 2019 published by Ernest and Young, around two-thirds of all consumers use at least two or more financial technology services daily and are increasingly aware of financial technology and its benefits. This metric will only increase with time because, after COVID-19, people prefer to get stuff done without having to come in contact with an actual human being, and Financial technology offers that and much more.

Sustainable Fintech and the Business Sector

Sustainable Fintech offers innovative solutions for financial transactions and a path to zero paper waste. However, like any technology, financial technology also comes with some baggage. If a financial technology company wants to go carbon neutral and 100 percent sustainable, it indeed can, but it will come at some cost, and not all companies willingly make such decisions. 

The business sector is based on innovations but has strong traditions that are always intact. Financial technology has changed that. Every business now uses a variety of financial tech models and software that offer easy accessibility and unmatched work speed. It is no secret that Fintech has revolutionized the business sector. Here we look at some examples:

Access to Financial Tools 

Before financial technology, opening and operating a business was an expensive job. You would need a vendor to produce your items, a location to set up your office or shop, and marketing so that consumers know about your business and potentially want to come in and buy stuff, not to mention the sheer amount of paperwork involved in opening a business. All in all, it is an expensive job indeed. 

Fast-forward to today. With the help of financial technology and Social Media, you can open a business, operate it, and generate sales within a few hours. We understand that this also requires a lot of pre-thought and dedication, but it saves you a lot of time. Before, when companies required financial software, their setup would cost millions of dollars, and now, such software is only a few swipes away. 

Access to Business Insights 

With traditional business models, accessing business insights requires time. Businesses would understand the popularity of a product or its lack thereof over time, but with financial technology services, accessing business insights has become easy, instant, accurate, and reliable. With these insights, businesses can make beneficial decisions or steer their strategies in a profitable direction. 

Customer Service and Convenience

Another great way financial technology helps businesses is through customer service. Most financial technology software has built-in customer-focused services. These features can help customers get help from AI chatbots that provide consistent and swift service. This allows companies to scrap the cost of having 100 customer service liaison officers on standby. These technologies also offer convenience for both the customer and the business. 


Is Fintech Safe to Use?

Yes, Fintech is safe to use if you utilize it mindfully and research it well beforehand. Many different applications and software are on the market today; most are free. However, this also means that people wishing to use them for sinister purposes can access them. Fortunately, two-factor authentication, face ID checks, and other safety measures make using financial technology software safer. Make sure to keep your passwords safe and secure. 

How Does Clima Utilize Financial Technology?

At Clima, we utilize financial technology to make our transactions safer, access business insights and data analytics, and safely facilitate investments in carbon offsetting projects. We put a lot of hard work into ensuring that your information is safe with us and that you are browsing our website and investment ventures securely. 


In conclusion, Fintech is any financial technology that streamlines financial tasks in the back and front end for individuals, businesses, and companies. Everyone uses financial technology solutions daily, so this industry will only get bigger and better. Sustainable financial technologies are a great way for businesses to become sustainable and carbon-neutral. 

Further Readings 

By Clima